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2023 Spring Meeting Agenda

IMPROVE Steering Committee Virtual Spring Update

10:00-10:10 Optical & Scene Monitoring update

10:10-10:20 Carbon Analysis update

10:20-10:30 Ion Analysis update

10:30-10:40 Network update

10:40-10:50 Quality Assurance update

10:50-11:00 Budget update

11:00-11:20 Steering Committee round robin

11:20-11:30 Outreach and Communication Subcommittee update

11:30-11:40 Network Operations Subcommittee update

11:40-12:00 Extra time, or other topics TBD

1:00-3:00 MDT IMPROVE Data Analysis and Reporting Subcommittee

1:00-1:10 Data Analysis and Reporting Subcommittee update

1:10-1:50 2021 IMPROVE data and Regional Haze Rule metric delivery

1:50-3:00 Extra time, or other topics TBD