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RHR Guidance Documents

More information regarding visibility and Regional Haze can be found on EPA’s Regional Haze website.

RHR Guidance Documents:

Regional Haze Rule (July, 1999)

EPA memo – Recommendation for the Use of Patched and Substituted Data and Clarification of Data Completeness for Tracking Visibility Progress for the Second Implementation Period of the Regional Haze Program (June 3, 2020)

EPA memo – Technical addendum including updated visibility data through 2018 for the memo titled “Recommendation for the Use of Patched and Substituted Data and Clarification of Data Completeness for Tracking Visibility Progress for the Second Implementation Period (June 3, 2020)

EPA Technical Support Document for EPA’S Updated 2028 Regional Haze Modeling (September 19, 2019)

EPA Guidance on Regional Haze State Implementation Plans for the Second Implementation Period (final August 2019)

EPA Technical Guidance on Tracking Visibility Progress for the Second Implementation Period of the Regional Haze Program (December 20, 2018)

Complete Visibility Protection Rule: EPA’s full visibility protection regulations, which consolidate EPA’s 1980 visibility regulations and 1999 regional haze rule.

Guidance on Implementing Regional Haze Program: Fact Sheet

Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions Under the Regional Haze Rule: Guidance Document (September 2003)

Tracking Progress Under the Regional Haze Rule: Guidance Document (September 2003)

Revisions to the Regional Haze Rule Incorporating Provisions Related to Stationary Sources of Sulfur Dioxide for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes: Fact Sheet (May 2003)

Revisions to the Regional Haze Rule Incorporating Provisions Related to Stationary Sources of Sulfur Dioxide for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes: Final Rule 

Other Related Documents:

Visibility Monitoring Guidance, EPA-454/R-99-003 (June, 1999)