2018 Data post Dec 2019
Regional Haze Rule Summary data through 1988 – 2018(posted December 2019)
Using the Second IMPROVE Algorithm:
Means for Best, Middle, and Worst 20% Visibility Days:
6.9 MB csv file with the means of the best 20% visibility days (G10), middle 20% visibility days (G50) and worst 20% visibility days (G90).
Daily Values Including Patched Values:
268 MB csv file with the daily IMPROVE species mass concentrations and calculated aerosol mass and light extinction values. Also included are the patched values where applicable. (zipped file 80 MB)
Means for Impairment Metric:
8.0 MB csv file with the means of the 20% least impaired days (G10), middle 20% impairment days (G50) and 20% most impaired days (G90).
Daily Impairment Values Including Patched Values:
440 MB csv file with the daily IMPROVE species mass concentrations, calculated aerosol mass, light extinction values, and impairment parameters. Also included are the patched values where applicable. (zipped file 115 MB)
2018 Summary plots for the 20% most impaired days.