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2015 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

Following is the meeting agenda and participants.  Each agenda item is linked to the meeting presentation.

Meeting Logistics


8:30 AM

8:35 AM

8:45 AM



Welcome to Albright

Grand Canyon Air Issues

Discussion Leader

Scott Copeland

Justine Stout

 Jane Rodgers

Network Review

9:00 AM

9:30 AM

9:45 AM

Optical, Scene Monitoring

Quality assurance – field audits

Aerosol monitoring network status

Mark Tigges, Scott Cismoski

Nicole Hyslop

Nicole Hyslop, Sean Raffuse

10:15 AM

15 Minute Break

Laboratory Review & Methods Development

10:45 AM

11:15 AM

11:45 AM

Status of IMPROVE Carbon Analysis

Temperature Calibration of Thermal/Optical Carbon Analyzer

Ion analysis

Judy Chow

John Watson

Tracy Dombek

11:50 AM

75 Minute Lunch

1:10 PM

1:20 PM

1:40 PM

2:15 PM

Laboratory intercomparisons and issues

Trend Analysis

Fabs Data

FTIR calibrations for OC and EC using IMPROVE data

Joann Rice

Nicole Hyslop

Warren White

Ann Dillner

3:00 PM

15 Minute Break

Data Analysis

2:55 PM

3:25 PM

3:40 PM

Dust Trends

Potential Framework for Visibility Secondary PM NAAQS

Comparison of IMPROVE data to aircraft overpasses

Jenny Hand

Bret Schichtel

Dan Murphy

Data Processing, Distribution, and Quality

3:55 PM

4:10 PM

4:25 PM

IMPROVE and FED websites

Ion QA

Beyond Level 2 QA

Bret Schichtel

Tracy Dombek

Scott Copeland

Tee Up Wednesday Working Group Session

4:45 PM

5:30 PM

IMPROVE Tracking Progress Metric Development

Mystery Topic

Brett Gantt

Bruce Polkowsky

5:50 PM

Adjourn for the day (group dinner for those interested)

Wednesday, November 4th – Business Meeting and Working Group

8:00 AM

8:30 AM

8:50 AM

8:50 AM

9:40 AM

Budget analysis

IMPROVE Protocol Site Assessment



IMPROVE Steering Committee business

Tony Prenni

Joann Rice

Scott Copeland

Tony Prenni

Scott Copeland

10:00 AM

3 hours for site visit and lunch break

Optional Working Group Session

1:00-5:00 PM

RHR Tracking Progress Metrics Working Meeting

1:00 PM

1:10 PM

1:30-5:00 PM

Session overview and goals

CenSARA Glidepath Results

RHR tracking progress metrics

Scott Copeland

Cassie Archuleta
